
Thursday, February 14, 2008

Ministry with Teens

I have never known anything as rewarding as the work that I do with teenagers. I am thankful that Lord has blessed me with the opportunity to pass on the Faith to the coming generation. I have to tell you though it is the most taxing career choice I think that I could have made. I love what I do, but man am I tired...

Tonight I had a night with my peer ministry where we played a game called Curses. I am convinced that this is a game straight from hell, so it is perfect to play at a Church meeting. Actually, it is a lot of fun, and allows you opportunity to break down the walls that keep you from opening up in groups. It also allows me to see the strengths and weaknesses of the teenagers that I look to as leaders. 

Being an introvert, I have to be alone at times to recharge... so to speak. Tonight is one of those nights where I am glad that I married Jonah. She understands that sometimes I just need my space. We are able to be in the same room together and know that we are supporting each other, yet not in each other's space. Does that even make any sense?

So... In  three weeks we have our Mystery Dinner Theater Fundraiser, the following weekend is a Junior High Retreat, then we have Easter and three weeks later our Confirmation Retreat. It all ends on May 2nd after the Celebration of the Rite of Confirmation. Or does it just begin? That is really the question... 

I am one of the few youth ministers in the Diocese who chooses to do a round the year ministry. It is really silly to me to take the summers off, as that is when those we minister to have the most free time, yet most of my counterparts here in the Diocese do just that. I just do not see how they can ever make inroads in to the teenage culture. That is something that in my experience takes around the calendar consistency and quality.

Time will tell I guess...

Any way... It is going to be a busy few months. I pray that He will give me the strength to make it through these busy times... and that my wife knows despite my desire to be alone... how much I love her...



1 comment:

lightening said...

I'd just like to encourage you in this. It can be a thankless ministry at times. I don't know where I would be now if it weren't for some wonderful youth leaders I had in my youth. I'm blessed to actually be in contact with one of them again now and able to tell him what a difference he made. Many don't get that. But it really does make a huge difference. So thank you on behalf of the teens you reach out to. It means a lot to know someone cares. :)

Can I suggest you consider allowing anonymous comments on your site. I am able to comment as I also have a blogger blog. But many using wordpress now cannot comment on blogger blogs without creating a google account. You can still moderate comments but this way more people can comment. :)

Kind Regards,