Some people are curious about what the snail has to do with my blog. Some have even suggested that I change the header to have something to do with youth ministry... I would love to do that, but I feel it would just take something away from the site. I love the snail, and the unique layout that I have. Granted I used a pre-made layout, but I still have not come across anyone else who has chosen it...
Anyway... the snail is actually really appropriate for Random Musings. You see, I am currently just creeping my way through life. I am still feeling out married life, taking courses at UCCS, being a father and everything else that comes with middle age (Yes... I am there/ getting there). This is a personal diary blog, and in my humble opinion, even the layout must match how I am living my life. The snail is a perfect image for me.
For those of you who have commented recently about ministry, and changing the header to match that theme more, I appreciate the input. Yet, even in my approach to ministry the snail is appropriate. I just plug away now... no longer rushing in to things that I can not sustain or that will fall apart when I leave... Nope, I just build what the resources around me allow me to... IF that means sacrificing other things, that is what it means... Just plugging away...
Well... I hope that this really random out of left field post may help those of you who just pass by now and then understand what those who frequent this blog already know... I am the snail, and it is me... we are one...
Anyway... the snail is actually really appropriate for Random Musings. You see, I am currently just creeping my way through life. I am still feeling out married life, taking courses at UCCS, being a father and everything else that comes with middle age (Yes... I am there/ getting there). This is a personal diary blog, and in my humble opinion, even the layout must match how I am living my life. The snail is a perfect image for me.
For those of you who have commented recently about ministry, and changing the header to match that theme more, I appreciate the input. Yet, even in my approach to ministry the snail is appropriate. I just plug away now... no longer rushing in to things that I can not sustain or that will fall apart when I leave... Nope, I just build what the resources around me allow me to... IF that means sacrificing other things, that is what it means... Just plugging away...
Well... I hope that this really random out of left field post may help those of you who just pass by now and then understand what those who frequent this blog already know... I am the snail, and it is me... we are one...