
Saturday, March 15, 2008


Hello Everyone,
I am recovering from a middle school retreat. I will post more frequently this week again.

God Bless,



Wednesday, March 12, 2008


In an unprecedented move New York Governor Eliot Spitzer has pardoned himself. Siting that this is purely a personal matter involving consenting adults, he did not believe he should be prosecuted for his victim less crimes.

When asked about the pardon, his wife responded "Victim less my ass".

I guess I just could not let it go. Sptizer disgusts me. The guy went on witch hunts to bring down people involved in the same things that he was involved in. No wonder he was not liked too much. He brought down other people for the same thing, prosecuted them for the same crimes he was committing.

I guess we should not be surprised at the behavior of a member of the same party that brought us Bill Clinton as President. He will more than likely survive this since liberals have short memories, and idolize him for the way he has penalized Wall Street. They will rally behind their moral reprobates and allow them to stay in office. Relativism at its best.

This is the beginning of the decline of the United States. You can go back in history and trace the decay of all great societies to moral relativism. Nothing is wrong, everything is permissible. Unfortunately we are headed down that road now. The saying that those who do not know history are doomed to repeat ring true once again.

I just don't get it... How can people be so lax about other people's destructive behavior? I refuse to tolerate you... I love you too much. Should I tolerate a friend who slowly killed themselves using illegal narcotics, or should I warn them, and point out to them how their behavior is self destructive?

Should I tolerate a friend who is actively engaged in a homosexual relationship, or should I warn them how their behavior is destructive to themselves? Should I tolerate some of the teenagers that I minister to being sexually active, or do I love them enough to warn them how their behavior can ruin their futures? Do I tolerate my wife cheating on me, or do I love her enough to warn how her behavior effects our relationship, and potentially our eternal futures (my wife is not cheating on me however)?

These are all tough questions that we must ask each other, and ultimately the question is do I love you enough to let you know how your behavior can destroy your life? Personally friends, I love you enough to let you know America is heading down a very destructive road. The moral decay of our politicians and society is just a step forward down a dark and destructive road. The United States now is not the United States of 50 years ago, and if we continue down the path we are on now, the United States in 50 years will no longer be.

The power has to be given back to the majority, and taken away from activist judges and corrupt politicians. I believe that we are even given the right/ obligation to overthrow a government that no longer serves We the People.

Eliot Spitzer is not a bad man, he just let his power get to him. Now he appears to be holding on to it to broker a deal to avoid what any one of us would get... a felony indictment/ conviction. That my friends, disgusts me... To quote Jose Maria Escriva.... "Man be a Man"... face the consequences of your actions like a man, not a damn coward...

God help this country...



P.S.: I would still rather be in the United States than under any other flag... except maybe the Vatican... glad I am Catholic before American... after all, I was Catholic nine months before I was a US citizen :).

Monday, March 10, 2008


Is it just me, or does Daylight Savings Time suck? I mean it is 1:30am right now on Monday morning, and my body is telling me that it still has an hour left before bed time. I just can't see how this switch to DST sooner makes any difference other than screw us out of an hours sleep yesterday. I remember hearing that this was done to save energy or something... Then, on the radio today, I hear it has actually caused an increase in energy consumption.

This is just further proof to me that we have no clue what the hell our true impact on the planet is, or how to do anything about it.  We should monitor the situation a few more years, maybe a decade or so, and see what happens. I just think that we rely too much on models to determine what is or is not happening with the climate around the world... The interesting thing about computer models is, if you tweak the data enough you can prove that a giant raccoon farted and created the universe. Models are just numbers, and depending your bias going into the situation, you can manipulate them any way you want. You can include or exclude things form the model that did not fit your hypothesis.

That, my friends, is not science, but more like wishful thinking. Now please do not get me wrong, humans may be having an impact on the global climate. Yet, when the founder of the weather channel calls Al Gore a fraud and hopes the new owners of the station turn it around from a global warming propaganda machine back into a news channel, you have to wonder. Very, very interesting when you think about it... The founder of the weather channel calling Al Gore a fraud, and his own creation a propaganda machine for a hoax. 

It is nice to see an hear stories of more and more scientists calling Global Warming the hoax that it is. They are not well liked I am sure, but generally people who seek truth over fame are not liked well... just ask Christ. The truth about just how much we are affecting the environment needs to come out, but we also need time. Before we start signing bills into law that will cripple our economy, why don't we make sure we have all the data correct. It is important that we do so...

I guess I am just a Conservative Creep right? Right... I just want to make sure that we do not act rashly in regards to the environment. I believe that if we really are killing off the earth, it will fight back eventually... I just don't think that it is fighting back yet. Temperatures now are still not the highest in recorded human history. Generally higher temperatures correspond to greater wealth and prosperity for human kind... 

I dunno... I just guess that the Earth is an organism. If we start to bug the Earth too much, it will get rid of us ...

Anyway, I am falling asleep again, so I need to get to bed.

