I wonder what kind of president I would be. Like I say in my "about me" section, I am a conservative. I have to admit that this year's crop of candidates for the Republican party really disappoint me. Oh yeah... I said that in an earlier blog... Did I mention I have a short attention span?
Anyway, if I were President of the United States, what would I do?
First, I would try to get Anne Coulter and Alan Colmes, appointed to the cabinet. Not because I necessarily agree with either one of them, but can you imagine how funny that would be. I have to admit though, it would be hilarious to watch Coulter wipe the walls with him everyday.
I really believe that I would have to start with fixing immigration. This would mean protecting our borders better. I would listen to private industry and the people working on the borders as to how the best way to do this is. I would then push Congress to give tax incentives and breaks for the companies who would be implementing the plans they come up with. If necessary, temporarily, any National Guard Troops not deployed in Iraq or Afghanistan would be deployed along the Norther and Southern borders to assist the already stretched border patrol.
Now don't get me wrong, I am all for immigration. My wife is a great example of a legal immigrant. She works hard, obeys our laws but mostly she respects out culture. When she chose to leave the Philippines for the US and join me here she left the Philippines in the Philippines. She came here (legally) with every intention of assimilating into out culture, not making a little Manila here in the US. I think that this is the main point of contention in the immigration battle. There are people, like me, who want people to come to the US and have their dreams while assimilating into our culture. Then there are those who want to others to be here chase their dreams, but not have to assimilate. You see that is a huge problem in my eyes... Immigration without assimilation makes America well... less America.
The other area of disagreement is how we determine who is in the country. There is nothing wrong with us knowing who is here legally and obeying the laws of our country. If you have violated our Visa policies or slipped into the country across our Northern or Southern border, I am sorry, but you are here illegally. That means you are a criminal. This opinion, held by me and many others is not based out of fear or bigotry, but it is based in reality. If you are here against the standing laws of our country, you are here illegally, that means you are a criminal.
Once we know who is here in our country legally and illegally, then we can start the process of rounding up the people here who are here illegally and getting them back to the country they are from. If they have had a child here who is a legal citizen of the US, they will be deported, and the citizen will be allowed to come back to the US when he or she is 18. At that point they will be allowed to petition the government to bring their family here as any US citizen can do.
As far as a temporary workers program, we already have one in place. It is called a work Visa, and if an employer truly needs your skills so badly that they can not find a legal US citizen to do it, they may apply for that Visa and bring you here. Wonder why this is not done more often? It is expensive and time consuming to do. Probably more expensive and time consuming than paying a US worker a living wage to do the same job. Interesting how US laws were once set up to protect US workers and not give benefits to those who would take their jobs instead.
Well... that is my rant for today. Tomorrow I will address another issue that bugs me... or not... hell... I really don't know what tomorrow will bring... I can barely plan far enough ahead for tonight, which is mostly gone.