
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Job Update

For those of you who have been following, my unemployment claim was denied. I am assuming that they will try to claim I was insubordinate or something like that. They are really good at that. The funny thing is one of the last things I was told was that I was told was that if I did not like it I could find another job. All I did was what they asked; I started to look for another job. It is going to be fun to appeal the denial of claim. If nothing else, I am just planting the seed for someone down the road who may not be fortunate enough to find another job within a month.

That is correct. I have found another job. I will be working on Maui again. Initially, my beautiful family will not be able to come with me. However, down the road I am hoping that they will be able to. The reason that they can not come is that the company I am working for is not able to guarantee me work beyond six months. I have a history on Maui and am a known commodity there so the site will be able to use me. That means the money should continue to come into them for my services.

I will be keeping up this blog in my free time at home as well as another one. Look for a link and a brief snippet of what that one is about soon. Please pray for me during this move. It is going to be a rough year or so.



Update: I have let it go... :)