
Saturday, April 19, 2008


It really has been a long couple of weeks. This year's class of Confirmandi have really gotten under my skin. Individually they are all good kids, but if you get them together as a group, they are collectively rotten. Their parents are about as big of a problem as they, or quite possibly even a bigger one. I feel like I have been babysitting a bunch of 40 year olds all year. Short of wiping their butts, I pretty much have.

Well, I can say at least the year is almost over and there is light at the end of the tunnel. After May 2nd I really do not have to have much to do with them... Maybe that is a horrible attitude to have, but at least you know that I am being honest. I really have not enjoyed my job this year, at least until the last week or so. They have really gelled over the last month, and come together.

In some ways that has been rewarding. I work in a very clickish community. Our parish draws from three different school districts and a private school. Generally none of them get along with each other, and they do their best to keep it that way. This has disheartened me since I was a member of the youth group here in the early nineties. I guess somethings never change.

This time however there was a small change. They all managed to come together especially during the retreat. The young body of Christ had managed to drop their insecurities and inhibitions and actually get to know each other beyond them being D11, or D20, or St. Mary's kids. It was really wonderful to watch. I just wish that I could figure out a way to make it happen more often.

I think that is the hardest thing about youth ministry. Each group of kids is different and so something that worked last year will not work this year even though the end goal is the same. That goal being leading them deeper in their relationship with Christ. Each year that goal gets harder to attain as the distractions get more and more in number. Competing with those distractions gets harder and harder.

Each year though Christ finds a way to break through. I guess my role in that is just providing them with the opportunities to encounter Him and He will break through. Dang that is fun to watch. It has been a challenging, but fun year once again... I guess... Here's to another one...



Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Isn't it ironic...

Don't you think? Today, George W. Bush embraced Pope Benedict the XVI. Yesterday, former President Jimmy Carter embraced one of the top terrorists in the world...

I guess I will never understand liberals... How can they sleep at night? They do everything that they can to undermine the greatest force for peace and individual prosperity the world has ever known and they meet with people who seek out our and our allies destruction. I mean really... Had the USSR captured as much land as the US did during WWII, how much would it have given back to the citizens of the country? Oh wait... they did capture almost as much land as we did, and they gave none of it back... The captured land went from being occupied by the Germans to being occupied by the USSR... Contrast that with what did the US do? We liberated the land that Germany and their allies captured. We did not keep any of it, it all went back to being free lands.

We, as a country, stopped the spread of Communism and communist dictators and each time, we have left the countries we were liberating or protecting to govern themselves. Yet, liberals hate this country... They do not believe in individual liberty, all liberty is to come from the government... They do not believe in the power of the individual, we all need government to pay our bills and bail us out of bad decisions. They do not believe that we are smart enough to choose our own leaders... just look at the screwed up proportional distribution of delegates in their primaries and the need for elite super delegates to decide the nominee... How can any thinking person agree with these people.

Now we see Jimmy Carter emboldening a group of people who seek to destroy the United States and Israel. He just gave Hamas credibility when he met with them in the name of peace... I guess that as a conservative I am too much of a realist. The perfect world where we just wish our problems away by talking to people is not possible. There are too many bad people in the world for the liberal Utopia where we all just get along to be possible. Do I wish it were different? Yes. But wishing only leads to idealism. Carter thinks that he can go and negotiate peace with these people, but it will only be peace until they decide to start killing each other again... Didn't he learn that his foreign policy does not work?

I really wish that Utopia could be achieved... Unfortunately unless Christ comes again, it can not be. Human nature will not allow it, and even if it could be achieved it could not be long lived. Desire for power, corruption and greed would take root, and that Utopia would be destroyed... Yes... really... we as humans would screw it up some how... Just look at what we did to Eden...

Good Night...



Edited for update: Once again we see why you do not sit down and give these people face time.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Bad Politics

I am tired of being called a racist because I identify myself as a Conservative. It seems that more and more conservatives are made out to be the villains, the racists and the all around bad guys, yet we believe in the power of the individual person to succeed. Conservatives do not see anyone as African-American, Mexican-American or Asian-American. We see each other as American.

We believe that anyone, regardless of color or creed can succeed if they put their mind to it. The only thing that limits the individual is the individual. You do not need government, or government programs to succeed, you only need your own God given talent and desire. The only thing that limits you is you.

Sadly, people have bought into the lie that they need government to succeed. This has enabled liberal democrats to create a permanent voting class. This class of people continually votes democrats into power. They have been promised the world, but they are brought higher taxes and more government dependency. Yet, those who would free them from these burdens are the racist bigots who want to keep them down.

Is this country really that mad? I mean for all his short comings, President Bush has the most diverse administration in history. He has appointed more minorities to prominent places of power than any president in the past. Yet, his base is made out to be anti-minority. It seems to me that if the party base of the Republicans were really racists, that they would have abandoned Bush in full force. Yet, we rallied and got him a second term in office. If we were really racist would that have happened.

Now, we see an odd thing playing out in the media this week. Obama recently referred to small town residents as bitter, and clinging to our guns and religion. This is obviously an out of touch statement to make. Far from using Religion as a crutch, there are those of us who use it as a foundation and base for our lives. Far from clinging to guns, like some fearful little child, there are those of us who choose to exercise our 2nd amendment right and own a gun. We may hunt, or collect or sport shoot and yes, we must cling to them because people like Obama seek to take them away to us.

Despite his out of touch and obviously elitist comments the main stream media is silent. Yet if this were a Republican candidate, or conservative columnist who were to say something like this can we assume the main stream media would give them a free pass. Probably not. My guess is that they would all be calling the candidate just what he is... out of touch, elitist and quite possibly a condescending asshole. I guess that all does not matter though.

You see as a conservative I believe that the will of the people should be honored. If the people are too stupid to see who is really keeping them down versus those who would seek to see them achieve their full potential then so be it. That is the will of the people. My guess is that after one, maybe as long as two terms of the liberal democrats wrecking the country, it will be along time before they see power again. That my friends will be a beautiful thing.

Sadly though, if either Clinton or Obama makes it in this term, we are in for four to eight years of potential screw ups that will take a long time recover from. They will leave a legacy of weakening our country, destroying the economy and wrecking everything from health care to private industry that will take a long time to overcome.

Well my friends, it is late, and I have to remove some horseshoe pits from my mom's house tomorrow. This racist bigot must get to bed.

