
Saturday, October 2, 2010


I was going to continue the post from yesterday, but I to tired to today. I guess that I am just tired of the leeches. Paul Harvey once said:

"Any man who claims you owe him a living is a cannibal.
Whether foreign or domestic, he is a cannibal.
If you choose to help him, that is one thing.
If he demands you “help” as his “right,” he is a leech,
a sycophant, a parasite.
He is a cannibal seeking to survive by consuming you.

I look around in my generation and those after me and all I see is leeches. The Public Education and the way we are raised has done a good job to kill the most innovative and entrepenurial spirit the world has ever seen... the American Spirit. It does not help that we have an entire class of these leeches (read: Professional Politicians) "leading" the country. I mean in all sincerity, we can look at other nations and see where the policies they put in place and advocate for will lead... Just look at Greece.

I am not a racist. I married a filipina and have two half filipina children. My best man was half black. Our matron of honor was Hawaiian/ filipina. Our bridesmaids and groomsmen were White, Japanese, Filipino and Micronesian. I do not care about race or sex, I care about character. The content of the character of the man this nation elected to be their Santa Claus in Chief is severely lacking. We elected a leech. The character of the politicians we have elected is severely lacking. We've elected leeches.

America, please wake up. Look at Greece and ask yourself if European Socialism works. Ask yourself why if the policies of the left work why the left most countries in the world are running right. Turn around before it is too late.

We elected leeches so that they could give us things for free. Redistribute from the producers to give to the leeches. Punish those who produce, reward those who suck on the teat of big government. We have raised our children to be leeches. We have allowed an entire class of people to become totally dependent on government... leeches. The Republican Party was founded to end slavery... One can only hope they return to that mindset and free the enslaved leeches. They will find it painful at first, but the country as a whole will survive better without them...




Welcome to the new follower

I have had 9 followers for the last year. It is great to have a 10th.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Of Taxes and Terrible Thinking

This is a quote from the friend of a facebook friend from today. The original post was about the amount of her paycheck that goes to taxes:

The author of this post thinks that taxes should go for:
  • Healthcare for all
  • Education for all
  • Protecting "natural resources"
  • Sustainable agriculture
  • Protection of animals
  • Protecting the Earth
I am all for everyone getting the healthcare that they need and in a pinch you already can, at an emergency room. As a matter of fact, this is required by law. You can also find discount health plans. If health care is really that important to you I am pretty sure you can cut out things like TV, the newest cell phone and perhaps even soda, chips and cookies from your diet. If you can do all those things and still can not afford health insurance or health care, there are charities that will be happy to help you out. There is also a growing contingent of doctors that will treat you for what you can afford. If you say you have no insurance, and want to work out a cash payment, you can. I know from personal experience that if you can not afford the bill from a hospital stay, you can work out an interest free payment plan with the hospital. They will take anything from $25 up until your bill is paid off... Unless of course you go to a state run hospital.
Furthermore, please show me in the United States Constitution where it states a person's well being is something the state must provide for. I guess what I am saying is that private business and charities are better suited to handle this than the government. If you don't believe me, try the healthcare system in Canada, England or Cuba.

Education for all is already provided for in about 48 state constitutions. This is a legitimate interest of the state and a public education should be provided for. I guess the question is, to what level? Since this is not a power given directly to the Federal Government it would seem that by the 10th Amendment to the Constitution this would be something the states could rightfully claim for themselves. This would make sense from an educational standpoint as then the people closest to the students could make decisions regarding what should be taught. Each state is its own little laboratory. As it stands due to a centralization of the educational system Colorado, Wyoming, Rhode Island and Florida are all beholden to Texas for curriculum and textbook standards. Texas is a huge market compared to say Colorado. Is it safe to assume that students in Texas are the same as students in Colorado and should be taught from the same textbooks? The Catholic Church tried this centralization of curriculum. By mandating that only books on the conformity list be taught for certain grade levels, Catholics actually came away knowing less about their Faith than had Catechists at the local level been able to pick and choose the books that best suited their students. I guess, again, what I am arguing is that something that could be done at the local level better and more efficiently should be left at that local level.

I will continue this analysis tomorrow since this post is getting long. I guess though what is most disturbing is the contempt the author shows for a legitimate expenditure for the Federal Government. UNLESS she would want that to be done by corporations and private citizens of course.



Wednesday, September 29, 2010

This is why the Muslims Hate Us

Any time that pee-wee football players 12 and 13 years of age have to get in and try to separate "adults" over a football play, this country is in trouble. I am amazed at the level of maturity some of the kids have shown, trying to separate and be peace makers between their parents and coaches. That gives me hope that not all is lost, but I am saddened that those who should be positive role models in the lives of these young men instead are behaving like children.

I guess I should not be surprised though, most of the "parents" are of my generation. We were spoiled by our parents getting everything we needed and most of what we wanted. Some of us turned out okay, but most of us, well... not so much. We became lazy expecting everything to be handed to us, never having to work for a thing. Need healthcare... that is the government's job, need a job, it is your right... Your kid is involved in a play you do not like... Somebody's gonna pay!

If America ever wants to reclaim moral authority abroad, then there must be a return to things like individual responsibility. The WWII (my grandparent's) generation were respected and loved world wide for the responsibility they took on themselves to be great. No one handed them anything, they worked for everything and earned everything. As a country now though, we expect everything and believe we are entitled to it. We have no sense of responsibility towards ourselves, or our neighbor. We need take responsibility for our health and prosperity on our own shoulders and stop expecting everything to be handed to us.

Is this, why the Muslims hate us? Well, it is probably not a huge reason, but I think the irrational behavior displayed by parents in the clip above does play a part in it. The behavior is a symptom of the problem. Men, teach your sons how to be men... Sons if your dad acts like those in the sourced news story... Teach them how to be men.



Monday, September 27, 2010


I took a quiz on Facebook today, what state should you live in? I did this after a friend of mine answered the same quiz and was told she should live in California. Based on how wrong they got that one, I wanted to see what would come up for me... Probably, Massachusettes or Michigan... Nope. With me, they got it spot on. I should live in Hawaii.

I lived my formative years in Hawaii, specifically on Maui. I graduated from St. Anthony JR/SR High School in Wailuku. Shane Victorino was 5 years behind me (he was such a punk in those days, I hear he really turned his attitude around though). Hawaii though has always stuck with me. I am still in touch with a lot of people from the island, and I can honestly say that I have more friends on that island than I do here in Colorado.

Am I happy with my life here in Colorado? Yes. Very much so. I love my new job and our house and the schools that my kids will have a chance to go to. I can't help this feeling though that something is lacking in our lives here. No, not the beach and bikinis. There is just something missing in the people. I am not used to a place where people are uncomfortable being called aunty or uncle by my children, or me for that matter. And I have to admit the handshakes rather than hugs are getting a little bit cold...

All I used to hear when I lived here in the 90's before my parents uprooted me and made me move to Hawaii was how racist the islands were. Is there racism present in Hawaii? Yes. Is it what people made it out to be? By no means. The people there just do not like dumbasses (although I can't explain why they elect who they elect), and the things that they do.

It even grew on me. If you go to Hawaii, remember, not everyone is on vacation. It is no more appropriate to stop on a main road and read a map in Hawaii than it would be in say... Chicago. In Hawaii you may get called a Haole for doing so... I will take that over what I might get in Chicago. If you are lost, pull over to a gas station and ask. That is what the people are there for. They will, if you are not a dumbass, give you the shirt off your back if you need it. You just have to go there and show the respect to them that you would anyone else.

Ohhh... why do I feel the need to apologize for Hawaii? I guess because it is calling me back. I can hear the Ocean taunting me in my dreams, daring me to wade in its waters again. I want so badly to swim with the Honu and Humu again. I want to feel the warn embrace of Hawaii and her people.... ARGH! I do not like the midlife crisis I think I am about to go through. Hopefully it will be short.

Prayers and aloha!
