
Saturday, October 2, 2010


I was going to continue the post from yesterday, but I to tired to today. I guess that I am just tired of the leeches. Paul Harvey once said:

"Any man who claims you owe him a living is a cannibal.
Whether foreign or domestic, he is a cannibal.
If you choose to help him, that is one thing.
If he demands you “help” as his “right,” he is a leech,
a sycophant, a parasite.
He is a cannibal seeking to survive by consuming you.

I look around in my generation and those after me and all I see is leeches. The Public Education and the way we are raised has done a good job to kill the most innovative and entrepenurial spirit the world has ever seen... the American Spirit. It does not help that we have an entire class of these leeches (read: Professional Politicians) "leading" the country. I mean in all sincerity, we can look at other nations and see where the policies they put in place and advocate for will lead... Just look at Greece.

I am not a racist. I married a filipina and have two half filipina children. My best man was half black. Our matron of honor was Hawaiian/ filipina. Our bridesmaids and groomsmen were White, Japanese, Filipino and Micronesian. I do not care about race or sex, I care about character. The content of the character of the man this nation elected to be their Santa Claus in Chief is severely lacking. We elected a leech. The character of the politicians we have elected is severely lacking. We've elected leeches.

America, please wake up. Look at Greece and ask yourself if European Socialism works. Ask yourself why if the policies of the left work why the left most countries in the world are running right. Turn around before it is too late.

We elected leeches so that they could give us things for free. Redistribute from the producers to give to the leeches. Punish those who produce, reward those who suck on the teat of big government. We have raised our children to be leeches. We have allowed an entire class of people to become totally dependent on government... leeches. The Republican Party was founded to end slavery... One can only hope they return to that mindset and free the enslaved leeches. They will find it painful at first, but the country as a whole will survive better without them...




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