
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

This is why the Muslims Hate Us

Any time that pee-wee football players 12 and 13 years of age have to get in and try to separate "adults" over a football play, this country is in trouble. I am amazed at the level of maturity some of the kids have shown, trying to separate and be peace makers between their parents and coaches. That gives me hope that not all is lost, but I am saddened that those who should be positive role models in the lives of these young men instead are behaving like children.

I guess I should not be surprised though, most of the "parents" are of my generation. We were spoiled by our parents getting everything we needed and most of what we wanted. Some of us turned out okay, but most of us, well... not so much. We became lazy expecting everything to be handed to us, never having to work for a thing. Need healthcare... that is the government's job, need a job, it is your right... Your kid is involved in a play you do not like... Somebody's gonna pay!

If America ever wants to reclaim moral authority abroad, then there must be a return to things like individual responsibility. The WWII (my grandparent's) generation were respected and loved world wide for the responsibility they took on themselves to be great. No one handed them anything, they worked for everything and earned everything. As a country now though, we expect everything and believe we are entitled to it. We have no sense of responsibility towards ourselves, or our neighbor. We need take responsibility for our health and prosperity on our own shoulders and stop expecting everything to be handed to us.

Is this, why the Muslims hate us? Well, it is probably not a huge reason, but I think the irrational behavior displayed by parents in the clip above does play a part in it. The behavior is a symptom of the problem. Men, teach your sons how to be men... Sons if your dad acts like those in the sourced news story... Teach them how to be men.



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