
Saturday, March 1, 2008


Being an election year, the word change is being thrown around a lot. For some reason, change and hope are now viable positions to run on for the most powerful position in the world. Please, do not get me wrong, the United States government, being human, is far from perfect yet it is still far better than any other alternative we could choose from. There are however forces out there that want to change the way government is done here in the United States, and not for the better. These forces need to be stopped.

Change is generally a good thing, yet in the case of Senator Obama, or Senator Clinton, one has to ask themselves what kind of change would they bring? For the most part it is change that will leave only change in my pocket. What this means is that they will take more of our money to provide what they see as basic rights for people. The problem is, what they see as rights are really not rights, but the fruits of hard work.

Health Care for example, is not a basic right guaranteed by the Constitution, you will never find it there. Yet, some people are under the impression that they are guaranteed this service simply because they exist. They believe that they are entitled to health care. The fact is, they are not, and the government has no responsibility to give it to them. Aside from that, nothing that the government "gives" you is ever "free". Some one, some where is paying for this.

Lets look at one aspect of Hillary care, for example. Lets say that you are the main bread winner for your family, and every dollar you make goes to support your family. Under Hillary care you are mandated to have health insurance, or you run the risk of having your wages garnished... you already can not afford another expense, yet the government is now taking your wages to pay for free health care.

Now, you are hard working person, yet your neighbor does not work, collects welfare and is entitled to the same health care you are getting. Well, since the government has not recourse to their wages, since they earn nothing, where do you think the funds to pay for their health care is going to come from? Yep, you guessed it, your hard earned dollars, in the form of another tax. So now, your wages are being garnished because you can not afford to put your own family on health care, and your taxes are going up so that you can support your freeloading neighbor. I know that this is exactly the kind of change I want for the US.

Politicians are also saying that we need to change our foreign policy. They seem to think that simply electing a good talker will make all the evil people in the world go away. Someone who will assure them that America will no longer use its military force to protect itself and its interests around the world. Whether or not you think America is a bully (I do not) you must realize what this would mean for the country.

For the sake of argument I will cede the point that the United States is just a big bully (despite it being the most generous and caring national entity (aside from maybe the Vatican) human history has ever known). All of a sudden, the big bully decides that no matter what goes on, it will not intervene or retaliate. Fights that it has started, or continued, it will just walk away from. All of a sudden, everyone on the block gets to join in and destroy the bully. With the amount of people (internal and external) who want to destroy this country, now is not the time to elect someone who will drop our defenses and appease our enemies. It is that attitude that helped lead to WWI and WWII. That is also not the type of change I want to see for our country.

I guess, the uncritical view of Senators Obama and Clinton and the free ride their policies, or lack there of, is starting to scare me. I know that there are sane and rational people out there who are thinking the same things I am, but unfortunately it seems we are in the minority. Also, the young voters seem to think that the Democraps (sorry, it slipped) are the right choice to lead the country forward. The appeal of Sen. Obama is undeniable, yet the man stands for nothing but unbridled socialism. Have we not learned anything from the failures of Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin? Look at Cuba and ask yourself if that is the kind of change you want for th country...

No sir, not me... I like my freedoms and having a little change in my pocket...

God guide this country through this election year change,



Friday, February 29, 2008

Monkey Brains

Okay, so I could not think of anything to write about tonight. I guess a comment I received about my blog on link referral is kind of eating at me. Is my blog really all about misery and despair? All this time I thought I was being cheery, but apparently it is horribly depressing to read my blog. While I know that is not true, it is still crappy to be told that.

So, I thought I would make a random post about Monkey Brains just to cheer those of you who have been coming here and are on the verge of suicide feel better. You see Monkey Brains can cheer up anyone... just the thought of Monkey Brains is bringing a smile to my face right now. I just love the way that the words Monkey Brains roll off the finger tips, and the tip of the tongue... Monkey Brains, Monkey Brains, Monkey Brains. Woo... I know that I will sleep like a baby tonight... Monkey Brains...

It is so easy to type Monkey Brains... so much easier than typing Gecko Farts... Gecko Farts stink, and I have to pause to think about where the keys are in order to type Gecko Farts, ahh... but Monkey Brains I just have the position of the keys memorized. You see I can type it any time I want... Monkey Brains... I can Monkey Brains put it in the middle of sentences. Monkey Brains can start off sentences as well. You can also end the sentence with the phrase, Monkey Brains...

So I hope that all the talk about Monkey Brains has cheered some of you up. Coincidentally if Monkey Brains has not cheered you up, maybe you should read some Gorilla Sushi...

Maybe tomorrow I will be back to my own cheery self...



P.S.: Monkey Brains!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Old Friends

Today was a good day. I went out house hunting with my wife and got to have some time with her, which is always a good thing. The afternoon though was a great time, and proof to me how small the world really is.

In 8th grade, I moved from Tucson Arizona to Colorado Springs. I left behind all my grade school friends, and the only town I had ever called home. It was a sad experience. Two years later my parents would move me even farther away, to a beautiful little island called Maui. I set up roots there for 13 years before moving back here to Colorado in 2005.

Fast forward almost three years. I am teaching astronomy at the University, and one of my students tells me that her English teacher wants to know if I remember him. She tells me his name, and it does not ring a bell. Being that I lived here in High School, I was only thinking back that far... Then it hit me...

This character from my past and I created our own planet. We later read a Hardy Boys case file to audio tape as a service project for our school. All this happened much earlier than high school... Grade school to be exact. I had known him since Kindergarten. Now, 20 plus years later we have crossed paths again. How exciting...

What a small, small world. We spent about an hour catching up tonight. Underneath it all, we are still pretty much the same. Our ages, bodies and ideas have changed a little, but this is still the same guy who used to sneak around the Arizona desert at night lighting taquitos and hairspray on fire.

Here is to old friends, and new friendships...



Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Compact Fluorescent Bulbs & other enviornmental stuff...

Coming home from UCCS tonight I was listening to talk radio (go figure), and Mark Levin was on. He was talking about an article from the Boston Globe and the hazards of using these new, green bulbs. Some things in it caught my eye, and made me think... Here are some of my musings on this article:

"The study recommended that if a compact fluorescent breaks, get children and pets out of the room. Ventilate the room. Never use a vacuum, even on a rug, to clean up a broken compact fluorescent lamps. Instead, use stiff paper such as index cards and tape to pick up pieces, and then wipe the area with a wet wipe or damp paper towel. If there are young children or pregnant woman in the house, consider cutting out the piece of carpet where the lamp broke as a precaution. Place the shards and cleanup debris in a glass jar with a screw top and remove the jar from the house."

Me: All this to save $2 a month? First, I generally do not have cardstock or index cards handy to clean up the spill... second I generally do not have empty glass jars around to put debris in. So, while I am out at Walmart (wait, I can't shop there because it is Evil) gathering these new supplies, my son and wife are at home with Mercury in the air they are breathing... Negligible though right?

"For the Maine study, researchers shattered 65 compact fluorescents to test air quality and cleanup methods. They found that, in many cases, immediately after the bulb was broken - and sometimes even after a cleanup was attempted - levels of mercury vapor exceeded federal guidelines for chronic exposure by as much as 100 times."

Umm... wait... while I was out gathering the jar and index cards to dispose of this enviornmentally safe light bulb, my wife, children and pets are crawling in and inhaling Mercury levels as much as 100 times that of the what the government is considering a chronic dose. How the hell is this better for the enviornment? OH... I guess reducing my families carbon footprint to 0 by killing us is better for the enviornment... WTH? Am I missing something here?

"Mercury is a naturally occurring metal that accumulates in the body and can harm the nervous system of a fetus or young child if ingested in sufficient quantity."

Oh... that is what I am missing... it can harm my child in utero... err fetus... if ingested in sufficient quantity... Is 100 times the legal limit sufficient? Oh well... a fetus really isn't a human being afterall, and again, we have reduced a carbon foot print to zero...

ARGH! The whole enviornmental movement is maddening... For those of you who have been brainwashed into believing we are destroying the enviornment, honestly and openly consider this article. You will have to download #79 from this page (.pdf), but it is an eye opening read. It shows you what Al Gore won't (the whole picture), and makes you realize what a fraud An Inconvenient Truth really was... Can we, as humans destroy the Earth that God gave us? If you believe what He promised in Scripture, then we can't by human induced warming... Remember why we have rainbows? C'mon people, start using your heads here...



P.S.: I had this written yesterday, but due to editing problems was not able to post it until today.

Simply Me

I just do not get the world today. When people want to get to know me, it is easy. What you see is what you get. My yes means yes (sure it may take me a while and a couple reminders, but it means yes), and my no means no. I am a slightly overweight, goofy middle aged man.

My wife and I had an experience over the weekend that confirmed for me that integrity is a quality that is harder and harder to come by. I do not know why this surprises me when I look at the role models that young people have anymore. Men who are men, and women who are women are few and far between. It seems that women want to be men, and men well want to be women.

That is besides the point though. If an individual has reached the age of reason and decides that he wants to date Steve rather than Eve, that is between them and their God. What is more disconcerting is the way that businesses are treating their customers, or potential customers.

Here is the story. A week ago, my wife and I got word from our realtor that our bid on a house had been accepted. The bank agreed to forgive the debt owed by the seller and accepted our offer on the house. They told us to go ahead with inspections and other things required before be can take ownership of the house. So we did. We spent $275 for the inspection, were working on funding and starting to pick out furniture and color schemes.

Then came 4:00 Friday... Our realtor called me and the bank had decided to refuse our offer unless the seller decided to pay them back the amount that they were going to lose. We lost the house and the inspection money in one fell swoop. We have no recourse against this bank for its actions except a long drawn out process of suing them. Essentially, and this was confirmed by our realtor, the bank knows we don't have the monetary resources to sue them, so they are going to do what ever they want.

So, I will be launching a simple poll in a minute or two. Once I find out the name of this bastard bank, will you boycott their services. I figure that I am getting about 100 visitors a day here and you guys probably know some people. Maybe I can't take them on in the legal arena, but maybe we can teach them who is really boss...

So frustrating that yes means maybe...

Lord, help this country...



P.S.: For another straight talking although admittedly emotional look at life check out my friend Bittersweet Collide.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Really, Really Random... Part deux

So tonight I ended my weekend on a high note. I was able to successfully tri-locate and have a parents meeting, a fund raiser rehearsal (we are doing a mystery dinner theater) as well as oversee a Confirmation Class. Sometimes I really just do ride the energy of the Holy Spirit... other times I rely on crack. Just kidding... it is actually the rum that makes me happiest, and tonight I made Kool Aid, so I can have a little before bed (Fruit Punch and Ron Rico... Yummy).
I prefer Captain Morgan or Bacardi (151 is da bomb... seriously it has a flame retarder on the bottle!).

Now, I am sure that some of you may stumble across this and ask yourself how a youth minister in the Catholic Church can know so much about alcohol... Wait... I just blew it... I am Catholic, and for me, as long as I am not doing so to get drunk, it is okay for me to enjoy alcohol (after all, beer is proof that God loves me). In all honest though, if Christ had a problem would He have chosen to turn water into good wine at Cana? In those days, by the time they had run out of wine, they had been drinking for days... You can't tell me that was not a rocking party, and yet, Christ gave them more to drink, and better than the initial wine they had.

You can argue symbolism all you want, but it does not matter to me. My Lord and Savior enjoyed life to the fullest. He came to show me how to live, and how to be a man. That means eating and drinking with people... Moderation and self control come into play in a virtuous life,  yet every time you turn around Christ is eating and drinking. Always at someone's home, making sure that they are well fed and that they knew He loved them.

I think that modern Christianity has forgotten this aspect of Christ's life. How much He enjoyed the time He had here. I think that I might have for a while too. He lit a fire in me again though... just a little one. I think that is all He needs though. I have the Holy Spirit to fan those flames, and all I need to do is turn back to Him. It will be interesting to turn around again and have all my sin burned away, yet as scary as that can be, I know that I have to.

Lord Jesus Christ, have Mercy on me, a Sinner. I believe Lord, help my unbelief!



P.S.: I should be back to card droppin tomorrow... Tonight... I am going to enjoy that other great gift... sleep.

Random... really, really random

Going to school full time, working part time at the University as well as almost full time I rarely get to see my family throughout the week. This weekend I have had to work both days as well, and this really frustrates me. Michael is only going to be this age once, and it seems like he is growing so fast. I leave in the morning before he is awake, and I get home after he has already gone to bed. I am missing this time in his life.

So, I have put a poll up for you guys to take a look at. I want to know your opinion. I love my family and want what is best for them. Yet being immersed in the mess that is my life I do not get to enjoy being a husband and father. I am so busy and tired that I never seem to be able to be the dad or husband that I want to be. I am always too busy or too tired to even cuddle with my wife most nights. I just want to sleep.

That is really what I want to do now. I just want to sleep. It seems that this is the only time my mind ever gets rest as well. I am not sure what your guys minds are like, but mine just will never stop running. There are always situations throughout the day that I have on a constant replay. It is like all my days are tivoed or something. Really... really bizarre. I have things that I know I need to get done, but because I am stuck wondering about something beyond my control I do not get to all that I need to get to... It is like nights I can not sleep, and days I am stuck in a constant day dream (I typed that entire sentence without looking at the keyboard :P).

Today I stumbled across this blog. She and I had been dropping entrecards on each other, but I had never really stopped and looked at her page. I have to say it is really funny and pretty humorous. She definitely has the type of sense of humor I can admire. I love the cartoons and the pictures. Her writing style is great as well.

I am sorry that I could not write about something too meaty... I enjoyed and entire bottle of Chardonnay this evening... Normally I prefer rum or beer, but I gave up Soda for Lent, and my fridge just happens to be broke (there is no beer in it). As an aside, I had the displeasure of watching Kat Williams on Comedy Central tonight... Avoid it like the plague. It is horrible... I can not stand the language and antics of ignorant monkeys (of any color (Dane Cook included)).  Nothing but F this, N that, whaddup B... Sad that this actually passes for entertainment...

