
Friday, February 29, 2008

Monkey Brains

Okay, so I could not think of anything to write about tonight. I guess a comment I received about my blog on link referral is kind of eating at me. Is my blog really all about misery and despair? All this time I thought I was being cheery, but apparently it is horribly depressing to read my blog. While I know that is not true, it is still crappy to be told that.

So, I thought I would make a random post about Monkey Brains just to cheer those of you who have been coming here and are on the verge of suicide feel better. You see Monkey Brains can cheer up anyone... just the thought of Monkey Brains is bringing a smile to my face right now. I just love the way that the words Monkey Brains roll off the finger tips, and the tip of the tongue... Monkey Brains, Monkey Brains, Monkey Brains. Woo... I know that I will sleep like a baby tonight... Monkey Brains...

It is so easy to type Monkey Brains... so much easier than typing Gecko Farts... Gecko Farts stink, and I have to pause to think about where the keys are in order to type Gecko Farts, ahh... but Monkey Brains I just have the position of the keys memorized. You see I can type it any time I want... Monkey Brains... I can Monkey Brains put it in the middle of sentences. Monkey Brains can start off sentences as well. You can also end the sentence with the phrase, Monkey Brains...

So I hope that all the talk about Monkey Brains has cheered some of you up. Coincidentally if Monkey Brains has not cheered you up, maybe you should read some Gorilla Sushi...

Maybe tomorrow I will be back to my own cheery self...



P.S.: Monkey Brains!


W E N D Y said...

hi there! it worked, ur post made me smile =)

Anonymous said...

just be yourself.

i like your music - soothing... wants me to linger longer but have to move on, haven't dropped that much cards yet. bye!

lareine said...

hello:) well, I, for one, don't find your blog gloomy... in fact, i find it relaxing (especially this one)--- as if you're telling your day over a glass of beer:)

by the way, once, I wanted to be an astronaut... but i don't think I could endure riding on those spinning things (when you're in training)

Anonymous said...

:) :)

Cheer up, someone did that to me once, though to tell you the truth I believe she meant it as a positive remark - something about the unremitting gloom I was writing during the week being relieved by photos at the weekend. I took it to heart though and tried to lighten up, then I got a remark from someone else about the weird diversity of posts. "Anything from gardening trivialities to womesn's life in Africa" was how he described it.

You cannot please all of the people all of the time, so you may as well please yourself.

Jaya said...

I had to read this post twice, but by the time I finished my second serving of your monkey brains I was indeed feeling more cheerful. I didn't really expect it to work, but it did.

Anonymous said...

i love the way you write and express yourself my friend, don't let those monkey brains get to you. your posts ad sincerity keep me coming back here, and I would always keep on coming back here. God Bless you and your wonderful family!