So yesterday I fixed the immigration problem... today, I will fix welfare. My personal problem with welfare as it currently exists is the no one has any incentive to get off it. It actually creates a class of people who have no reason to ever progress beyond collecting a monthly check from the government. The sole reason that this class exists is to create a base of voters for people who believe they are too stupid or lazy to ever get off the system. Just promise them you will do more for them, never intending to follow through, and you ensure a constant base. Put the blame for their condition on the evil rich, and you get even more of their votes. It is an endless cycle... nothing but victims (as an aside, liberalism at its core needs victims to survive... truly empower the victims to get ahead and you lose your power).
Here is how you get around that cycle... Make the check time based. From the date that you apply and are granted unemployment benefits, you have six months or a year to find another source of income. At that time, your needs are reassessed. If your current employment does not cover what your family needs to survive at a reasonable level, your income is then supplemented, and you are given another three years of supplemental income until you are able to find income that allows for you to take care of your family.
If you have not found another source of income in that initial time period, and you can prove you have been looking, your check is continued for another six months. After the end of this period your benefits end. If you have not made sufficient effort to find a source, or sources of income to meet your families needs, your check ceases until you can prove you have made reasonable effort to find income and are referred to the local non-profit and church organizations that are available to you. Your situation is reassessed on a monthly basis. Once a source of income is found you will receive supplemental income again until you can find steady income to meet your family's needs.
If for some reason you need to receive disability pay, you may draw from your social security benefits with no penalty as well as any other retirement plan you have (again with no penalty), until which time those funds run dry, or you are able to work again (guess which one will probably occur first in most cases). If it is found that you have a reasonable claim, your income would be supplemented on a monthly basis. As soon as you are able to work and regain your income your benefits cease.
Obviously this system would have to have stipulations with each case being taken on a case by case basis. This would allow for the extenuating circumstances that will inevitable arrive, but hopefully take care of some of the abuses that currently occur. I mean seriously, if you could receive a check from the government each month, knowing that the check will always be there, what incentive do you have to work. If you know that eventually the check will stop, you have much more incentive than you do if you know it is just a gravy train.
Perhaps welfare reform is not this simple, and granted I know nothing of the current system. I refuse to go anywhere near it and will not allow myself to get any government hand out. I would rather work from 9 -5 at McDonalds, 6 - 2 at Taco Bell, and then go deliver papers than take other people's hard earned money. They earned their keep, and in my book they deserve to keep it. I do not resent raising other people's children, ensuring their education (or lack there of) and paying for their steak while my family works hard paycheck to paycheck, eats hot dogs and bologna and will probably have to attend a federally subsidized indoctrination machine (public education), but I do resent the politicians who use my hard earned money to support people who do not contribute to society (granted there are those who shit has just happened to, and genuinely need government aide).
I just do not see how people in this country can ever go on government assistance. You may not get a great paying job, or a glamorous job, but you can put a food in your children's mouth. What better example could you as a parent set than to work hard and get ahead. Maybe you will inspire someone (possibly even your own child... AAAH) to work harder and get ahead in life. Isn't that why people risk their lives to get here in the first place... the opportunity that this country provides is amazing. Yet there are those led to believe that they are entitled to a government check every month. The people who promise the checks and get them to the mailboxes have created, in a sense, a new form of slavery. Not one where you are whipped and beaten if misbehave, but they have created a dependency on the state... isn't that an aim of socialism? Isn't socialism a system that fails every time it is tried unless it is not fully implemented?
So... today we solved welfare... tomorrow, maybe we will discuss taxes...