Today I got my first homework assignment for my retake of Calc II. I figured that seeing how I have taken this course already that it would be easier that the first time I took it. The problem is, I took it a loooong time ago. I do not remember how I even managed to pass it the first time I took it. The ten years between now and then probably have something to do with it, but in all honesty, this is just something that I need to overcome...
I think that I have mentioned this before, but I like to think, and I consider myself a thinker. The people who helped form my mind ranged from Catholic priests and nuns in grade school to socialist professors in college, critical thinking has never been a problem for me. The wide range of people who have taught me though contributed to not only my growth as a thinker, but my knowledge that everyone has an agenda.
Each and every person who is in a classroom has an agenda. It does not matter if they are left or right wing, the agenda is there. Rather than just present information and let the students in the class decide what it means, and arrive at their own opinions, so much of school anymore is being spoon fed and taught to regurgitate answers. No wonder America is losing the intellectual battle. Our kids can not longer think critically and in some cases are afraid to go against those who should be encouraging free thinking the most... their teachers.
Perhaps this is why I like Science and Math so much (even though I find them so dang hard right now), there is an objective solid answer that no one can dispute. It is not like humanities where anything goes, or English where you can write about your feelings and opinions... it either is, or it isn't... right or wrong. Even in the realm of religion, you can not come to objective truth without faith. Somewhere along the line faith has to come into it. In Science that is not the case... it is either "true" or "false".
Take global warming for instance. It either is, or it is not. Now please do not get me wrong, as global citizens we have to take care of the planet that God has given us as a gift. But are we really so arrogant to think that we can destroy it, and that the gas we exhale would be the main pollutant to cause our own demise? Where the heck is the rational thought there? Also, do you really think that our Carbon Dioxide Emissions can cause the earth to heat? I think my main problem with most global warming computer models is that they do not take into account solar activity...
Think about it this way. The sun is the largest producer of energy in the solar system. It produces more energy in a matter of minutes than all the cars on the planet can produce in a decades, and yet it is ignored by global warming die-hards. An interesting thing happens when you add in solar activity to the warming trend seen over the last 10 - 50 years, and even back through history... When the sun heats up, the planets that surround it do as well. Guess what? The sun has been heating up. Doesn't it logically follow then that the earth would heat up as well.
Also, why the heck in the charts that AlGore uses do the CO2 lines increase after the temperature rises? If CO2 were causing the warming, wouldn't they rise and then the temperature follow suit? That would make sense to me, but then again I only have my high school diploma... I haven't been able to use scare tactics to scare people into a lecture and nobel prize yet... but it is coming MUHAHAHAHAHA!
Ahh... what does it really matter. The earth has a way of taking care of parasites like the human race. She will do what she do, and we will either adapt or die. Isn't that why we are here now anyway? Along the way we have adapted better than most, and been able to thrive. Thank God for human intellect, free will and the ability to think.
Like I said... it was a long day. I really want to sleep, but my mind is racing a little too much for that. It is 1:00 am, and I have to be at school by 9:25, but I need to slow my mind down. Thank you for letting me ramble tonight. I really needed to.
p.s.: In the next few days I will be opening another blog... daily reflections on Scripture... "Pisio's Ponderings" is coming soon.
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