
Tuesday, February 12, 2008


I love being a father. I am not sure how people can deprive themselves of this incredible joy. It is so amazing to think that I played a small part in creating this beautiful little boy.  I guess that some people just know that parenting is not for them, and that is a good thing; I have respect for them.
However there is a group of males out there that I have no respect for... the sperm donors... Not the kind that go to the sperm bank, those who conceive a child with a woman, and then leave her to play both mother and father to the child. This is never how God intended things to do. God intended for us to be a family, reflecting the love that is the relationship of the Trinity. 

I am so thankful that God blessed me with the family He did. My mother and father showed my brother, sister and I what it was to be a family. Things were not perfect, but my dad loved and supported my mom and was the guardian of the family that God intended him to be. What an amazing example to have as a young man growing up. I hope that I am half the father he was. 

I realize that some of us were never that lucky. Fathers may have been alcoholics, or  abusive to their children, or their wives. Why? Why is it that men have forgotten their role as protectors and providers for their families? I really wish I could answer that... If I could think up a way to stop it all together I could become a very rich man. 

I guess that we should really not be surprised at the lack of responsibility shown as men, for our families and especially the women who are our companions... After all our original father, Adam, failed miserably at his role as protector of the family. Due to his lack of attention to his mission as guardian and provider the serpent was able to get close enough to tempt Eve. Had Adam been doing his job, the serpent would have been dead long before ever getting near his wife... 

Women... especially single women... I feel a little bit of pity for you... Working with young men, I see the choices you have as potential husbands and fathers, and I have to just shake my head... Where have all the good men gone? They have not been taught how to be men, and respect women... Perhaps the saddest part is women have come to expect that and they do not demand the respect that they truly deserve... You are worth it, despite what you may be told by your peers and the media... You deserve to be treated better.  If the guy is not going to treat you the way you want to be treated... he is not worth your time...

Somehow we went from fatherhood to here... Interesting... I love the way blogging just allows me to ramble and rant... Good Luck, and Good Night...




Unknown said...

Hey there,

I came across your site via linkreferral and really enjoy it! Keep it up!

Christoff gouws

Fitness Fanatics said...

I enjoyed your blog very much. You do have a beautiful little man. I am a mother of 4 children. 2 girls ages 8 and 6 and 2 boys ages 3 and 1. They are a joy and an adventure. It is hard to imagine my life without them. My husband and I are very blessed. I have bookmarked your blog and plan to return. Thanks!