
Friday, February 22, 2008

Long Week

It has been a really long week despite the holiday on Monday. Tuesday we had a home inspection on the house that should be ours. Then, I had class, and had to teach that night. Wednesday we went and signed pre-closing papers on the house that should be ours. Then, I had to work until 9:00. Thursday, we had a chiropractors appointment, I had class, and on the way to work I found out the VA was smoking crack, and messing with the chance we had to get the house that should be ours. Today, we got a call from the seller's bank saying that they decided not to sell us the house that should be ours.

You ever just have one of these weeks? I do not mind so much that the bank decided it did not want to lose however much money they are going to lose by short selling the house. I just care about how they led my wife and I on. We put in the offer on the house a month ago... they did not accept the offer until the morning of the day we were able to withdraw our offer. So then, they put the onus on us to uphold our end of the contract, so we create this living hell of a week we just went through. Then, at the 11th hour they pull their acceptance of our offer...

What ever happened to a yes meaning yes, and a signed contract being worth a damn... My weekend has not even started yet, and it is wrecked. The house my wife and I thought we had was yanked out from under us... We paid for a home inspection thinking that the contract was finalized. Had we pulled crap like the bank pulled today we would have lost $2000 in earnest money. As it stands, we are out $275 for the home inspection because THEY decided they did not like the contract THEY had already signed... How the hell is that right?

I really did not like the ending to this week... That is a horrible crappy thing to do to a young couple... Unfortunately, there is not much we can do... Too bad... Now the house will go into full foreclosure and the bank will be losing even more money than they are now. Funny... they can lose some now, or even more later... No wonder the government feels a need to bail these morons out... Unfortunately they want to use my tax dollars to do it... Either way, I am going to be buying that house. I just wish I could move my family into it...

Oh well... Next week can't get much worse. I guess that is a good thing...



1 comment:

Jojo said...

I am so sorry about this. I wish I could give you more energy (other than the back rubs). Just kidding!

Live Love Life - Jojo