
Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Site Hoppin

Tonight, I just had to try it. After I dropped cards on everyone in my inbox, I logged in and tried Site Hoppin. I must say it was a blast! It made dropping card so easy. I had to up the timer to about 20 seconds because the default of 5 seconds is just too quick for my old butt on this touchpad mouse, but even at 20 seconds it made dropping the last 20 cards or so really easy. 

I do not think that I will use it for the initial dropping, there is just something addictive about doing it manually. Since I use Netscape most of the time dropping for me is a lot easier than if I had to use IE. By default everything opens in a new tab, so I can do multiple things at once. I also use a Mac, so I never have to worry about the system resources being overloaded.

However when it comes down to the last few drops, and I can not remember who I have visited and who I have not, Site Hoppin will be the way I go from now on.



P.S.: I wonder if this qualifies me to get added to their blog roll??

1 comment:

chilly said...

Great post! Indeed going to check it out. :)
BTW: Nice blog!