Teenagers, God's little reminder of what it is like to have someone made in your image who denies your existence and does not want to talk to you...
I heard that and I almost choked. It is so true. And you know what? In my humble opinion it is the parent's fault that their kids turn into such little shitheads. I see it all the time, and one thing holds true 96% of the time... The closer your relationship to God is as a parent, the better your kids are going to turn out.
I see it all the time... there are parents out there who literally abuse their kids and get away with it. This is not a physical abuse in the traditional sense, and most people will never recognize it. Parents keep their kids so busy that they do not even have time to sit and eat together once a day. They spend their time running their kids from one event to another never allowing their kids to breath... or rest for that matter. It is abuse... physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual.
Generally the type of parents described above have kids that turn out to be total shitheads. They are not bad kids, they just direct their anger at everyone and anyone who is not their peer. Any adult authority figure is ridiculed and disrespected. Anything that their parents want them to do is looked at as a burden, and they lash out at everything... Their kids may succeed socially and financially, but they are spiritually bankrupt. It is really sad how their parents have screwed them up so bad.
Then their are the parents who pray together with their kids... and well... act like parents. They set realistic boundaries and limits on what their kids can do. They do not allow the child to quit half way through something... You sign up for it, you finish it. They support their kids, and want them then to succeed, but they also know their roles as parents.
Recently I was told by a parent of a teen in the Confirmation program I run that one day I would understand how Church would not be a priority.... Well... I wanted to vomit, and had to hold it back, and I wanted to slap her. How can you make Christianity and enhancement to your life, and not your way of life? Modern Christians have screwed up what it means to be Christian, and the Faith is now a lifestyle enhancement, not a lifestyle. God has become a big candy dispenser in the sky.
Oh well... I can call them out on things all that I want, but the fact is the choice is up to them. As long as I know that I am being faithful to what He is calling me to, I have nothing else to worry about. I pray that I will not be one of the parents that screws their kids up so badly that God is an enhancement... I also resent someone saying that I will understand allowing their faith life and spiritual growth to take a back seat to soccer, or volleyball or any other social event. Christianity is a lifestyle, not a social club...
I heard that and I almost choked. It is so true. And you know what? In my humble opinion it is the parent's fault that their kids turn into such little shitheads. I see it all the time, and one thing holds true 96% of the time... The closer your relationship to God is as a parent, the better your kids are going to turn out.
I see it all the time... there are parents out there who literally abuse their kids and get away with it. This is not a physical abuse in the traditional sense, and most people will never recognize it. Parents keep their kids so busy that they do not even have time to sit and eat together once a day. They spend their time running their kids from one event to another never allowing their kids to breath... or rest for that matter. It is abuse... physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual.
Generally the type of parents described above have kids that turn out to be total shitheads. They are not bad kids, they just direct their anger at everyone and anyone who is not their peer. Any adult authority figure is ridiculed and disrespected. Anything that their parents want them to do is looked at as a burden, and they lash out at everything... Their kids may succeed socially and financially, but they are spiritually bankrupt. It is really sad how their parents have screwed them up so bad.
Then their are the parents who pray together with their kids... and well... act like parents. They set realistic boundaries and limits on what their kids can do. They do not allow the child to quit half way through something... You sign up for it, you finish it. They support their kids, and want them then to succeed, but they also know their roles as parents.
Recently I was told by a parent of a teen in the Confirmation program I run that one day I would understand how Church would not be a priority.... Well... I wanted to vomit, and had to hold it back, and I wanted to slap her. How can you make Christianity and enhancement to your life, and not your way of life? Modern Christians have screwed up what it means to be Christian, and the Faith is now a lifestyle enhancement, not a lifestyle. God has become a big candy dispenser in the sky.
Oh well... I can call them out on things all that I want, but the fact is the choice is up to them. As long as I know that I am being faithful to what He is calling me to, I have nothing else to worry about. I pray that I will not be one of the parents that screws their kids up so badly that God is an enhancement... I also resent someone saying that I will understand allowing their faith life and spiritual growth to take a back seat to soccer, or volleyball or any other social event. Christianity is a lifestyle, not a social club...
Good post. It is so true-- God cures teenagitis.
Also helps to homeschool, then that peer pressure to hate your parents and honor your perv friends isn't there. Homeschooled kids actually grow up to act more like adults than public-schooled adults!
Hmmm, good insights. My hubby and I rely totally on God for parenting because it is indeed a big responsibility. Sometimes, it is so overwhelming I wonder how other parents cope without a Greater Being guiding them!
We are stewards of our kids - as they are precious treasures from the Lord and one day, we will all be accountable to Him for whatever or however our kids turn out to be.
Keep on blogging - you are making me think deeper.
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