
Monday, March 17, 2008


“Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.” - Lao Tzu

There is just something to Taoist philosophy that I really connect to. I have read the Tao De Ching several times, and each time I catch something new. I am not sure if the above quote is in there, as it has been several years since I have read the book, but if it is not it should be. I actually found the quote here.

I know that at times my cynical nature comes out on this blog, but despite that, since turning 25 about six years ago, I have accepted that things just are what the are. It is not that there is nothing lacking, but that I can rejoice in what I have. I have seen true poverty in the Philippines, and have come to accept that the hardest choice I will have to make tomorrow is what to wear for the day. Quite a few people in the Philippines though will have to make the choice between food or medicine, life or death.

Yet, despite the fact that they have nothing, the filipinos are honestly happy people. They are content with nothing... it was a concept so foreign to me as an American that I found it quite strange the first time I was there. I found myself thinking how is it that you can live like this, and be so happy? They would have given me the shirt off their back had I needed it... even if it was the only shirt that they owned.

It took me a while to realize where their joy in life came from. I guess it took about a week. When Sunday rolled around I realized where their hope and joy came from... their faith. It is a faith that is deep and rich and true. The Gospel had taken root in their lives almost like it was all they had... in retrospect... it was. The only think that kept the filipinos going each day was their faith in Christ. It was truly a lesson in humility for this American Joe born and raised in a place where my a hardest choice regarding food is whether or not to supersize my meal.

I think that I truly realized what it meant to be content while visiting the Philippines. When I stumbled across the quote above from Lao Tzu I knew that I had to write about how my trips to the Philippines has changed my perspective on what it is to be an American. I guess I am an unusual one since I am now honestly contented with what I have...




CastoCreations said...


I try to explain to hubby that we don't need "things" to be happy. He has a hard time with it.

The more "things" we get does not mean we get happier...we are less content because we then believe we need MORE things. It's frustrating.

I prefer simplicity. :)

Unknown said...

Great post! :-)

I became "content" a long time ago. When I realized that I already have everything I "need". Everything that I "wanted" was just icing on the cake.

It's definitely a blessing to feel content. :-)

Adorable picture, BTW. :-)

Iris said...

Very well said, me and my husband is very much content with what we have we can eat three times a day and happy. I am from Philippines and got married to a New Zealander, we both have seen the reality and always learned that we have now is far more better than those in poverty and have to be thankful for that blessing.

I guess the reality bites when you get to visit philippines and other poorer country.

Anonymous said...

I think too often in life we lose sight of what is important, and focus too much on what isn't. I hope your post serves as an eye opener, if only for a moment, to others as it has to me. Thanks so much for the reality check.

p.s. your baby is beautiful!