
Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I know that this will be all over the news tonight that Republicans are heartless bastards for not allowing LGBT persons to serve openly in the military. I just want to let you know that I am all for DADT for a couple of reasons.

First off, as a person who used to conduct interviews it is illegal to ask a person's sexual orientation whether or not that is used in any decision making. I find it hard to believe that the push to repeal DADT is anything more than a political statement. I could give a shit less who I was serving with and who was fighting side by side with as long as they were doing their job. I wonder how them being able to proclaim to the world and "serve openly" will affect their ability to their job. Unless you are a gay (or straight) porn star having to star in a straight (or gay) movie I don't see how orientation could affect your ability to do your job.

Secondly, if it really is about equal treatment, why tell anyone? Seems to me that if I don't know you are gay, I can't treat you differently because you are gay. However, I may treat you differently because you are gay if I know you are gay. Do you want equal treatment or what? Then I won't ask, please don't tell.

Finally, the military is a separate society. You surrender a lot of who you are for the good of what you are doing. It really is a place where there are no labels. You are either enlisted or an officer. You are a soldier first, everything else a very Very VEry VERy VERY distant second. You wear your branch of service over your heart, your name over your other breast. Equal, but one closer to what allows you to live than the other. If you can not sacrifice your orientation for the time you serve, don't join.

All of us sacrifice things to serve, some give our very lives, if it is what the nation and mission require. Give your libido a rest for the duration of the contract, throw an orgy when you get out... After all you will have earned it...


P.S.: Do I find homosexuality morally wrong and against the natural law, yes. Will condemn someone who practices or believes differently, no. What you do in your bedroom is between you, your partner and your God, or lack there of.

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