
Monday, May 5, 2008


President Bush and Senator Obama have recently said that there is not a quick solution to solving the problem of high gasoline prices here in the United States... That may be but here is a radical idea...

First, open up the US oil reserves and flood the market with American oil for a few months. Increasing the amount of oil there is on the market will bring the cost per barrel down almost immediately. This will also increase competition and take a lot of the power OPEC countries have over price per barrel out of their hands.

Second, don't roll back the federal gas tax for three months, get rid of it all together and move to system where maintenance of highways and bridges is privatized rather than socialized. Allow local governments or private companies to raise funds to repair the infrastructure using money raised from tolls for highway use. The management of the toll roads would be contractual with the government and up for rebid every three years to insure against price gouging. Companies would be rewarded for finding innovative and cost effective ways to maintain infrastructure, and know that if they did not perform their chances of maintaining the contract would be limited.

Third, screw the nutjob environmentalists and use our nuclear technology to power our cities rather than fossil fuels. This leaves more of the fossil fuels for consumption in transportation while alternative technologies are being investigated. Nuclear is also cleaner and the relative risks are minimal despite what the China Syndrome leftists would like you to believe.

Finally, if you do not want to drill in ANWAR or off shore (which is just dumb since China and Cuba are essentially taking what could be ours), explore technologies that would allow us to turn our vast coal supplies (which can not be burned because of sulfur content) into oil. The Nazis were, for all their evils, on the verge of technology that at the time was just not cost effective to utilize. I am sure given the proper time and incentive that this technology could be perfected in the present day United States.

Does the environment need to be protected? Yes, it does and downright irresponsibility needs to be cracked down on. This goes both ways though. The current energy policies that subsidize ethanol and other inefficient fuels at the expense of efficient and cheaper fuels are crippling the US consumer. Even if man made global warming is real, temperatures today are much lower than they were in medieval times of prosperity, food surpluses and innovation. We have a ways to go temperature wise until we lose the polar bears... an inconvenient truth that alarmists do not want to face.

Common sense solutions are not in the play book of any of the current political crop. They are all out of touch and proclaiming to lead a world they know nothing about. I say get rid of the bums... All of them...



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