
Thursday, May 8, 2008

End of the Year

And it is only May. I get a little confused when it comes to this time of the year. It is only the middle of the year, but because I work around the school year for the most part it is the end of the year. The end of the year in the middle of the year... confusing? Yes I know.

This is a time when I should be starting to relax and clean up at the end of the year, yet instead I find myself wanting to ramp up and work even harder through the summer. This is the time of the year when the teenagers have the most time, yet for the most part youth ministers around here do the least... At least my Catholic peers... Yet despite wanting to work harder for the youth and the Church, I also find myself wanting to move on.

I have started to get my resume updated and I have already applied for a job working in electronics again. I really miss working with my hands and building things. Sure I am building lives, but this career choice has become dull... That means it is time to leave. As wonderful as the young people I work with are, I know that I can not serve them as well as someone who is in love with their work. I love the kids, and the Church, I just no longer love the work... at least I think.

This is the way that I feel at the end of every year. Burnt out and bedraggled. I need a break desperately, but have so much work to do. It is overwhelming, exhausting and well... it has gotten really old. I am tired of feeling this way after nine months of working my butt off. I guess we shall see what happens.... As always we shall see what happens.



P.S.: I have been approved for blogvertise. In order to pick up a few extra dollars I may be advertising for a product on occasion.

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