
Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Science and Faith

Two subjects that a lot of people believe are at odds with each other just might not be. One of the areas that seems to cause a lot of heated discussion is evolution vs. intelligent design. My guess is that someone reading this has strong feelings one way or the other. As someone who loves Astronomy and Physics, yet has a strong Faith as well, I can tell you it really does not matter to me whether or not evolution is considered fact or theory.

I love to read Archbishop Fulton Sheen. He is an eloquent communicator who puts complex things into simple terms that almost anyone who is over 10 years old should be able to understand. I am not sure where he said this, but it is somewhere in one of the many books I have read that was authored by the late Archbishop. He said that every physical law reflects (although maybe imperfectly) a spiritual truth. That comment really got me thinking.

As  Christian, I know that God calls all men to Him in ways known only to Him. This really reminds me of gravity. No one can deny that gravity exists (splat happens), yet even though it is one of the first physical forces to be described, our knowledge of it is pretty limited. Originally it was thought that gravity was weak compared to the other physical forces... yet now it may be that gravity is actually so strong that its effects are able to bridge the gap between other universes... Interesting to contemplate...

Gravity is just one example where I can easily draw a parallel between a physical and spiritual truth. Surprisingly, evolution is another area where I can draw that parallel:

As a Christian, I am called to metanoia, a constant change and conversion to God's will for my life and spirit. If I can spiritually conform my life to God's will for me, why is it that over time, God can not evolve the human body as well. We are told in scripture that He is the potter and we are the clay... As an artist, nothing is ever done until it is "perfect"... God is the artist of our body, and it is far from perfect. I mean just look at your spine... If you were to design a perfect being would you give it a spine like we have... Probably not... unless you were into pain.

I know that this thought will anger some, but what if evolution is just God slowly perfecting His human creation... after all, the only time God knows is "now". If He is eternal then there is no past, no future... only the present... mind blowing isn't it? God has no time, yet He has eternity and it all happens now... Whether over 100,000 years or 1 year if we lose an appendix, a small toe or a tail, it has happened now for God. Kind of like a potter molding His clay...

So for those of you who are faith filled and afraid of Science, don't be. Look at how what is revealed to us through Science can confirm, or reflects those spiritual truths you hold so dear. For those of you who put all your faith in Science, look at God with the same skepticism that you do a new theory, but be open to having your eyes opened. You may just be surprise how rational a balanced faith can be.

I really thank God each day for the parents He has blessed me with. They raised me with an openness to truth in all its beauty. At the heart of truth is Christ, standing there with His arms wide open for all men to embrace. For those of you without a faith I pray that you can find Him at the heart of your search for truth.

God Bless...



P.S.: While I wish I could take credit for the above photo, it was stolen from NASA's site.

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