
Monday, April 21, 2008

Link Referral

I have written about in the past, but I have never much said anything about Link Referral. I really enjoy the time I spend browsing other blogs and reviewing them. In general I like to really think about most of the blogs I review, and try to give them honest feedback. I am sure that this does not always hold true, but for the most part I really do try.

I do not get near as much traffic from link referral as I get from entrecard, but I do get an extra 10 - 20 visits a day. This is more than the total number of visitors I would get in three days prior to joining though, so it is really nothing to thumb my nose at.

As a service goes, it is really easy to use, and I have finally figured out how to get my link referral reviews displayed on the blog. I guess that I could show all of them if I wanted, but for now I will just show a sampling about what people are saying about Random Musings of a Deranged Soul. You can read them all below in the sidebar if you want.

It is actually kinda funny. One of the comments was that my site was plastered with ads... So I removed two adboxes and some other advertisements. I had never thought that having them in a sidebar would be a distraction. Apparently I was wrong... I guess though that if I want to keep people coming, I must think of them first...

Maybe this will change someday for Random Musings, but until them I will continue to listen to my audience... I need to go join my wife now... She is not feeling well, so she went to bed early... I am going to follow her...




Anonymous said...

figuring out blogs is not an easy thing... Looks liek you're doing a good job though.


Waterrose said...

Well I think your blog is here from entrecard.